6 Temmuz 2018 Cuma

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Learning the differences between normal and abnormal vaginal discharge helps you. It does not have a foul smell and typically has no odor at all. A thick clumped or chunky discharge or a very watery discharge can also indicate a that. Normal vaginal discharge may have a thinner, watery consistency or a thick , sticky consistency,.

If you have thick , white , clumpy, and—for lack of a better. Some women get frequent yeast infections for no obvious reason. But if your discharge is a weird color, smells ba or makes your vagina itchy. Healthy discharge does not have a strong smell or colour.

If your discharge is thin and watery or thick and white (like cottage cheese), you may have thrush. A thick , white discharge with the texture of cottage cheese is a common . The discharge may change in color, have a foul or fishy smell , or be thick like. Although infected women may not have symptoms, a vaginal discharge may . Most kinds of vaginal discharge are . Is it normal for discharge to smell kinda funny?

Like most of the human body, the vulva can be a little bit messy. Some will notice a thicker discharge right before they get their perio others. And if all is healthy downstairs there should be no sign of an unpleasant smell or.

Not every vaginal discharge means something. During ovulation, the body can produce a thicker , white , stretchy discharge. If you are experiencing thick , white vaginal discharge with burning or . If itching is present, thick white discharge can indicate a yeast infection. Typical vaginal discharge does not have an offensive smell and does not. As long as the discharge is clear or white and has no bad smell , this is . Leukorrhea is the normal milky white or clear vaginal discharge.

It is usually thin and could have a mild odor. It typically does not come with . Other signs are burning, redness, . The color and thickness of the discharge change with your menstrual cycle. Discharge that is abnormally thick and has an odor like spoiled milk is not normal.

All that moisture is normal, but sometimes changes in odor , color, and consistency can be a. And types of vaginal discharge naturally change throughout your cycle. It can be sticky, watery, or not really there. No smell , not irritating. Vaginal Secretions and Discharge. What can cause a thick , white and creamy discharge during pregnancy?

When it dries on your underwear it looks yellow and has a slight smell. A vaginal discharge helps to keep your vagina moist and comfortable. This normal early pregnancy discharge is thin, milky white and has a mild smell.

Thick : If your early pregnancy discharge has a cottage cheese-like . At the end of your cycle, you may have a thick , white discharge. White or off- white , thin, mostly odorless discharge during pregnancy is called.

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