29 Temmuz 2016 Cuma

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COE Line scan cameras are designed to provide high resolution images,. On- board user data storage provides customizations for advanced applications. KPC-EX500PHInternal Board Camera Mono Hi Res Super Cone Pinhole Lens Ultra Compact Image Enhanced Technology Ex View Audio Option Learn More.

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XIMEA offer consists of state-of-the-art cameras with USB 3. PCI Express and FireWire. High speed and high resolution cameras - xiB. Megapixel BW Single Board Camera. JAI industrial area scan cameras and line scan cameras for machine vision, traffic. Advanced area scan cameras delivering high resolution , high frame rates, and.

Jitter Camera : High Resolution Video from a Low Resolution Detector,. The jitter camera prototype has a lens, a board camera and computer-controlled . High - Resolution Color Board Camera with 3. Lux Sensitivity, NTSC, 12V DC Ganz CHU-CMH112L38. It is perfectly suited for narrow installation situations and currently offers the highest resolution in the market: the new UI-359xLE USB 3. Next Generation Interfaces Compared.

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Ultra High Resolution industrial camera equipment can be used for a range of. Sharp, vivid advanced high resolution 5TV lines with great color saturation, plus 0. Professional grade miniature color board. The racer and sprint line scan cameras also feature the high resolution levels . Online shopping a variety of best high resolution board camera at DHgate. Buy cheap camera module board online from China today! Cameras with more than 1000pixels.

CCD technology uses an analog signal to provide a uniform, high resolution image. While our board -level CMOS cameras use the same sensors as our CMOS. This high resolution board camera mesures only 1. Micron (Aptina) image sensor.

With high -sensitivty mode for low-light. Effective Pixels: NTSC : 640H x 480V. Cost-effective board camera. The frame rate can be as high as fps in full resolution and up to 3fps using ROI mode.

TVL High Resolution HD FPV Various Focus Board FPV Camera. Sensors and FunctionalityThese ultra compact, lightweight CCD cameras feature USB connections, making them extremely versatile for a wide range of . USB camera module e-CAM51_USB - 5MP auto focus USB board camera is based. The camera offers high spatial resolution to resolve even the smallest. The remote sensor circuit board is connected to the system circuit board. Marshall Electronics - Manufacturer of a wide variety of cameras CMOS, Bullet,.

S12MP is a Smart Camera designed for high speed vision. The conical pinhole lens makes it easy to counter sink into thinner objects . The extra-large sensor has a very high resolution of 12. The higher resolution cameras enable advances in demanding inspection applications such as flat panel inspection, PCB inspection, but also .

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